Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Writing and Drawing are Coming Back!

今日の日本語の言葉: e (絵) - drawing/picture
This word (which really is just "e") was brought to you by my main activity and thoughts today.

I woke up today at 5:00. Anna had told me the night before that she might be around by then, and I took that as definitely I had to wake up at 5:00. There was no way I was going to waste any time when it came to RPs. My writing has come back to me after two years now, and I'm not going to give it a moment's rest if I can help it. That's it. Writing will be tomorrow's word of the day. There's a reason why a drawing is today's word; you'll see.

So I talked to Anna from 5:00 a.m. to 11:45, at which point i had to leave for school. We took a break for breakfast/dinner, but other than that, it was basically a Skype call the whole time. How was I ever lucky enough to find a friend who could stand me for that long and like writing our RPs as much as I do? TT^TT

Somewhere in there, I ate my bento, which is pictured below. It had tamagoyaki (which is kind of an egg roll, often somewhat sweetened), chicken, wild rice, nori, furikake, and tomatoes. It was very delicious, as always, and it was made all the nicer by the fact that I had Anna's company as I ate.

When I started to prepare to leave for school, I checked the weather, and it said rain. I looked out the window, and it was bright and sunny, barely a cloud in sight. But I trust weather forecasters more than the sunlight, so I brought an umbrella. As I was readying the last things, I took a glance out the window just in time to hear a crash on the roof. I totally didn't know what it was, and was quite started until I realized that it was rain. Really heavy rain. It had come out of nowhere (which I've seen before in Vietnam, but nowhere else until now). And it was pouring buckets.

I stepped outside and had to come back, because in a matter of seconds, my shoes were soaked. I changed into boots (going, coming back, and changing all took me about ten minutes), and the moment I stepped back out, I opened my umbrella, took two steps to the gate, and the rain stopped. Completely. I was a little miffed that it would choose to rain at such an inopportune time so as to make me go back and change for no reason, but I was glad that it was at least over (as much as I love rain, my books don't quite feel the same way).

First time I've ever seen a sign being actively changed
on a train. When do they do it in the American systems?
In class today, we learned even more about giving directions: we learned about train directions (which we sort of did yesterday, but I'm not going to argue; it gave me more time to draw and write). We also practiced saying numbers and time quickly in Japanese, because it would totally defeat the purpose if someone asked you what time it was, and you took five minutes in getting to the answer. The numbers in Japanese are structured more like Vietnamese though, so they click for me quickly anyways.

I managed to grab a shot of two of my teachers at one time! The left is Shimazaki-sensei, and the right is Seshime-sensei. They're both very wonderful, though Seshime-sensei seems to think that we're much stupider than we are, so classes with her are a lot more repetitive and slow. Shimazaki-sensei is up there with Yoneyama-sensei in how funny they are. They have a great sense of humor, and they know how to teach very well to make learning enjoyable and easier. I like the two of them most. :3

It was drizzling on my way home, but it was quite enjoyable a walk. I remembered to take a picture of a cross walk signal again, except for this was for a different reason than last time. I like it how around Tokyo, there are certain crosswalks that have countdown signs not only for the green go sign, but also for the red do not walk sign. That way, you know whether or not you should stop and wait or if it's more worth your time to cross the other street first and move on. So ingenius.

I've started getting into listening to music as I walk, which is great. However, I've gotten really hooked back into a song called "Fever" by Adam Lambert, and for one specific reason: whenever I listen to it, my imagination runs wild for two characters of my and Anna's RP named Alexei and Mikhail. Plus, it brings back fond memories of sophomore year, which is when I started listening to Lambert out of a need for upbeat music in order to stay awake far into the morning to work on my National History Day project. Man, AP US History. What great memories.

Anyways, I've been wanting to draw for quite a while now, which is something I haven't done for as long as I haven't written. It's been since sophomore year, basically. And then Yoshiko-san asked me if I was good at drawing, and so I decided she could decide for herself, and that's how I got back into drawing.

And then I started listening to Fever, which was the perfect song for a music video involving Alexei and Mikhail, if I ever had the patience to draw enough frames for something four minutes long (that's a lot more work than it sounds like). However, I could see the music video, and it kept getting clearer and clearer in my head with every listen through. I have to do it now. There's no way that this will let me rest until it happens.

And thus, I've been having the urge to draw them (and many other pictures, as you can see from the picture of the doodles on my textbook a few posts back) for a while. And today, in class, I was bored (as I mentioned, we did this yesterday, and directions aren't that hard), so I took the time to draw Alexei and Mikhail who... totally don't look like how they're supposed to. And of course I was stupid enough to start the whole thing in pen, so it ended up being in pen the whole way through. Woo? I did some lines in pencil and drew over them later, but not the important lines, like, say, jaw structure. And I totally messed that up. D:

Overall, I think it turned out okay, despite the fact that they don't look anything like who they're supposed to. Not even close. And yes, I'll tell you who they're supposed to look like, so that you may compare. Well, in my defense, they're not supposed to look exactly alike, but at least be based close enough... Alexei -> Ioan Gruffud, Mikhail -> Tyler Riggs. Gruffud's chin was too small, and his face isn't wide enough, and his ears are too tall, but I did all of those in pen, so they couldn't be undone. D:
I'll learn for next time I want to doodle.

Dinner, which was fried rice and corn soup
That's all for now! I'll "see" you guys again tomorrow!

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