Wednesday, October 24, 2012

New Textbooks and SO MUCH Writing

今日の日本語の言葉: kaku (書く) - to write
This word is unsurprisingly brought to you by what I did today, which was basically all writing. It's ridiculous how much writing I did today.

I started off the day today at 5:00, much like yesterday. I've never felt like writing this much before, but I totally naturally woke up today with an urge to write, right at 5:30. Even when I sleep, I dream of the stories about which I'm writing, or words and phrases that I have to incorporate into my next segment, just because they're so brilliant. My mind is best at word play when I'm asleep.

Luckily, Anna was around, and we wrote! Huzzah! And we wrote, and wrote and wrote, all the way until 11:45 again when I had to go to school. Anna was definitely losing writing juice, but I had so much energy left and even more to go! How does one get tired of writing? The idea is so foreign to me. Even when I was in school, I always loved writing essays and stories and papers and stuff. Maybe somebody up there is trying to tell me something...

Anyways, an interjection in time here just so that I can let you know what I had for breakfast. I had some good beef, rice, and oranges for breakfast. I then put some fried rice from last night in my bento and took the beef, some cheese, furikake, and some oranges with me. It was a very delicious lunch, and I actually ate it at the house as I was talking to Anna, because I've never seen anybody eat on the train, and that stuff is difficult to eat while walking... and I didn't want to leave early to eat lunch at school because it was either that or writing. And in my current mood, is it any surprise that I stayed?

When I was walking to school that morning (listening to "Fever" part of the way, no surprise), I saw the most lazy thing I think I have ever seen. I saw three Mc Donald's deliver motorcycles riding off, one after the other. Not only do people want Mc Donald's, but they want it delivered to? I mean, I guess it's the Japanese, who are so damn thin anyways, but still... for how long will they remain that way at this rate? -_-"

On my way from Akihabara station to school, I stopped into 7/11 to see if there was a suitable snack, but to no avail. However, I did take a picture of a bun with an image printed on it, which is so cute! I love it how the Japanese like putting images on their buns. It makes eating them so much more enjoyable—though in the same sense that eating animal crackers is enjoyable because they're crackers. There's something about them being animals that hurts me somewhere deep in there, but it's very deep in there.

I also found some mint chocolate chip ice cream bars which reminded me of the sea salt ice cream bars that I tried to make with Aaron before last Anime Boston (which didn't taste nearly as good as I suspect these bars to taste). It's such a soothing color though, and I totally would have bought them if I could actually have kept them frozen all the way home.

I got a new set of textbooks today! We finished our first one, and are finally moving towards more general grammar rather than specific rote memorization phrases. However, the grammar is... boring still. I looked through the whole book, and only when it gets to lesson four out of five that I start learning some things. I still don't want to switch up though, because of the kanji additive, which I'm definitely behind in if I move up—perhaps a bit too behind even for Maggie the Extraordinaire (kidding) to catch up.

Thus, despite the new textbook, I was still bored during class. The teacher has come to accept that if I'm done with my assigned work, I will indeed pull out my iPhone, access the internet, and do what I want. He/she would then come by, check my work, find that I was right, then let me be until everyone else finishes. It's a good system, and I definitely took advantage of it today.

I took that time to write a 1,500 word post to one of our RPs, which might not sound like much when you're comparing it to stuff like Harry Potter, but considering that it's one post, which usually is like, 100 words for usual people, and then an average maybe 300 for posts between Anna and me, because we pride ourselves in detail. Thus, now you can see why 1,500 words might be a bit... much, in reference to what usually is written. But I had nothing else to do... D:

Anyways, I came home, had dinner, which was delicious curry, pictured below, and something called houresou, which is a vegetable kind of like... a cross between bok choy and spinach, and it's eaten with ponzu sauce. Curry was amazing as always, but the houresou was something new that I tried today, and it's amazing! I think I'll definitely eat it again in the future if she makes it again. There's something very nice about the tanginess of it that reminds me of eating lemon oysters.

And now here I am, writing this post after dinner, further honing a writing skill of a different type. And then after this, I'm going to go write the next chapter for my Hetalia story, which is the thing I've been working on for three years now. Another Hetalia story is already forming in my head even as I finish up this one. May this writing urge never go away!

Mata ashita, minna-san!

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